September Update: God's Movement Across the World

September 3, 2024

Can you believe it’s already September? The world around us seems to be moving at lightning speed, and yet, in the midst of it all, God’s work is more evident than ever. Though times may feel chaotic and overwhelming, we are reminded that He is still in control. If we keep our hearts, minds, and eyes fixed on Him, we will not falter.

We want to take a moment to share the incredible impact your prayers and support have made over the past few months.

Prison Revival: A Testament of Transformation
Our recent prison revival was a resounding success. Many of the men had not experienced a simple joy like a 100% beef hamburger since their incarceration, so Paul Wilkerson and his team from FBC Joelton fired up the grills and provided an unforgettable meal. Laurie McTier, our GoCare Ministries Director, brought hundreds of greeting cards for the men to write messages to their loved ones—a powerful moment of reconnection. Volunteer Stephen Hibdon shared his own testimony of overcoming life’s greatest obstacles through Christ, offering hope to those who feel trapped by their circumstances. Longtime OTG partner Rick Willison from TJMI demonstrated feats of strength that drew attention, and I was honored to share the Gospel message, encouraging these men to follow Jesus even from within prison walls. Nearly 100 men indicated their desire to know Christ more deeply—praise God!

The Band “Cypres” in Africa
Our On The Go Associate Evangelists, Zach and Sarah Blickens, along with Kailah, Sierra, and Pierre, spent over six weeks this summer spreading the Good News across Africa. Their band, Cypres, brought together thousands in Zambia and other African nations, using both song and Scripture to proclaim the Word of God. We are excited to welcome them back home to Florida soon, where they’ll prepare for their next outreach.

The Blessing Event: Encouraging Kingdom Workers
Last month, we held our 4th Blessing Event, a special gathering designed to encourage and strengthen those serving tirelessly in the Kingdom of God. Ministers, missionaries, evangelists, and Christian leaders often give so much of themselves without expecting anything in return. These events allow us to pour into them—offering appreciation, rest, and renewal. Through the generosity of benefactors, businesses, and vendors, we were able to provide personalized programming and lodging for these incredible leaders and their spouses. Our hope is that these moments of refreshment will empower them to continue fighting the good fight of faith.

“Street Chaplains” Ministry in Chicago
On The Go Associate Evangelists Matt and Shavonne Kearney have been ministering faithfully in and around the Chicago area. With a growing number of volunteers, they’ve been hosting two to three outreaches each week, reaching people in crisis at courthouses and bus stops. Their team of “Street Chaplains” offers hope and truth to those in desperate situations, defusing crises and sharing the love of Christ.

God Said Go: Outreach Training School
Locally, we’ve partnered with area churches and ministries to launch our new God Said Go initiative. This school trains, encourages, and equips youth and young adults to step into their calling as ministers of the Gospel. So many feel the tug to serve God but aren’t sure what to do next—this program helps them take that step forward with confidence.

GoPrayTN: Praying for Every County in Tennessee
Starting in October, we will embark on a journey to visit all 95 counties in Tennessee, gathering prayer warriors and outreach ministers to intercede for the lost, for revival in the Church, and for those called to serve on mission. The GoPrayTN initiative will unite believers across the state with the purpose of praying for transformation and empowerment, both locally and globally.

Lausanne Congress on Evangelism
In just two weeks, many from our team will attend the Lausanne Congress on Evangelism in Korea (both in person and online). This historic event gathers evangelists from around the world to explore new and impactful ways to reach this generation for Christ. It’s also a time of deep connection with others who share our passion for being “on the go” for Jesus. We are honored to be a part of this global movement.

International Projects on the Horizon
We are also pressing forward with several major international projects, including those in Vietnam, Belize, and Equatorial Guinea. The world is in desperate need of Jesus, and we are excited to see how God will use these efforts to bring hope and salvation to people across the globe.


Isn’t it incredible what God can do through anyone who simply says, “Here I am, Lord, send me”? We are so thankful for you—our partner and co-laborer in Christ. It’s a joy and a privilege to follow God’s call to “do the work of an evangelist” in this generation. Together, we’re reaching people across the street and around the world.

May God bless and keep you as you continue walking in His will!

In His Service,


P.S. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter of our mission? Your ongoing support makes all the difference as we work to share the love of Christ across the globe. Thank you for standing with us!